Coru Members


Barbara Cormack has been a practicing Pagan and witch for several decades. She holds initiations in two traditions, and in recent years helped found and administer a Golden Dawn Order. Her early love affair with, and study of, Old Irish language and literature led her to the Morrígan, in Whose presence she has since dwelt. Inspired by rosc poetry, she composes prayers and invocations to the Great Queens in Their varied forms. By profession a librarian and data analyst, Barbara also makes jewelry, practices Scottish dancing, and studies crows and ravens. Barbara served as the Vice-Lore Chieftain from 2019-2022, and is currently the Chief of the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood.

Lore Chieftain

Despite her hilarious beginnings as a teenaged witch with no sense of proportion, Raven has worked happily with the Morrígan for about thirty years. She has practiced Japanese martial arts for about as long, and became a Wilderness EMT in North Carolina. As a person of art, she works extensively with ogham, and is currently focusing on poetry and the Irish language. She serves her community and her goddess by volunteering with her local Search and Rescue organization, and can be often found in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. Raven is currently the Lore Chieftain of the Order.

Communications Chieftain

Brennos Agrocunos Gunn is an intuitive spirit worker, runeworker, and activist. A dedicant of the Morrígan for over twenty years, he serves Her as both warrior and priest and is one of the founders of the Coru.   Through his devotional connection with Odin, he has also pursued runic studies for over seventeen years. He specializes in dreamwork and Otherworld travel, spiritual counseling, shielding, warding, runework, and contact with the dead.  As a priest, he works towards social justice, environmental healing, and sovereignty of the land and writes about these and related topics on his blog, Strixian Woods and on Facebook.  Brennos is a co-founder of the order, a former Chief, and currently serves as the Communications Chieftain.

Resources Chieftain

Lí Samhain met The Morrígan in 2015 at Uaimh na gCat, and has been a devotee ever since. As a dedicant priest, Lí strives to serve their Gods and community in simple but powerful ways, with an emphasis on hearth-keeping and hospitality. They are passionate about learning, traveling, witch-crafting, feasting, and jumping into bodies of water. Lí is also a member of Cauldron of the Celts. Lí currently serves as the Resource Chieftain for the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood.

Patrick Graeme is a wanderer on many paths of magic, ecology, healing, and warriorship. Patrick’s first exposure to magic and paganism was through the Feri tradition with a strong emphasis on “Celtic” spirituality, though he has delved into numerous other practices such as Taoism, Thelemic Hermeticism, Anthroposophy, and the Sacred Firecircle. Through all of it however, the Morrígan has loomed over his shoulder, ever since his first awareness of Celtic spirituality and history. Serving in the Coru has been a deeply transformative process. Patrick served as the Communications Chieftain from 2016-2019, and as the Chief of the Coru from 2019-2022. Professionally, Patrick is an ecologist, currently working to restore oaks on the Central Coast of California as well as delving into woodworking. His website is

John Medellin is a spirit worker and Pagan Witch living and working in San Francisco, and is originally from Texas. He has been a devotee of An Morrígan for more than 12 years, and has recently taken oaths to Her. John has spent more than 20 years studying and practicing magic and Earth-based spiritualities, including Conjure work. He is also a former member of Ar nDraiocht Fein. His specialties include divination, protection and warding magics, herb magic, and work with the Dead. John served as the Lore Chieftain from 2019-2022.

Morpheus Ravenna is a spiritual worker, artist, and writer. An initiate of the Anderson-Feri tradition of Witchcraft, sí has studied and practiced devotional polytheism and the magical arts for over twenty five years. Hir primary spiritual practice is hir devotion and dedication to the Morrígan within the framework of Celtic heroic spirituality. Sí co-founded the Coru Cathubodua Priesthood and has served as both Chief of the Order and as Lore Cheiftain. Sí is the author of The Book of the Great Queen: The Many Faces of the Morrígan from Ancient Legends to Modern Devotions. Hir writing can be found on hir personal blog, The Shieldmaiden. Sí also practices medieval armored combat and is very fond of spears. Sí can be reached through hir website at

Vali is a devotional polytheist, songwriter, artist, cat-herder (aka homeschooling parent), and aspiring urban farmer. She began studying philosophy and world religions as an adolescent which led to a nature based spiritual practice by age 12. Vali has always drawn to Irish mythology and culture, particularly the Morrígan, but struggled to find authentic source material for many years. She is passionate about queer, disability, and racial justice, advocating for trauma-informed parenting and caregiving, and dismantling the patriarchy. She lives in Oakland, California with her partner, three kids, and various other furred, feathered, and finned creatures, and when she’s not doing ALL THE THINGS, she spends her time writing fiction and compulsively propagating houseplants.

TJ is a true jack-of-all-trades, with a broad set of skills ranging from silversmithing to leatherworking to carpentry to machining and fabrication. His path to devotional polytheism began with a little book on alchemy tucked into a disused shelf of his high school library, which served as a catalyst for studying esoteric texts and magical traditions. As he continued his academic theological studies, he built his personal practices to involve devotional craft through his connections with the Gods of Skill, all of which has been built on a foundation of service to The Morrígan. He lives in Oakland, and when not engaged in professional craft he is equally likely to be reading sci-fi/fantasy books or picking up *another* new artistic skill.

Hound Ní Chobhthaigh is a queer, anarchist, multi-tradition polytheist. Their primary relationship is with Badb Catha, which began in 2015. Since 2016 and because of a challenge from the Queens, they’ve been working in domestic violence social services as a crisis intervention advocate and prevention educator, which strongly shapes the spiritual services they provide. They have a B.A. in religious philosophy, an M.Sc. in religious studies, and has recently returned to school to explore other subjects. Hound is the founder and facilitator of Macha’s Justice, a resource for domestic violence survivors who are pagan or polytheist, and occasionally remembers to post on a personal polytheism blog.